Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Re: (addendum) How easy/simple is cfengine?
Author: neilhwatson
Link to topic:,24353,24373#msg-24373

While I'm only a programmer by necessity I did find this talk on simplicity 
very interesting.  Some key points for me follow.

A bugs is a problem that has passed all required tests. A bug points to a flaw 
is testing even more than it points to a flaw in the program.

Simple does not mean short.  Recently we had a discussion on templating 
promises.  There was desire by some to shorten such promises from two in number 
to just one, citing simplicity.  

Similarly there is often a desire for complex data structures that allow for 
shorter promises by the use of looping.  This is not always a simple approach.  
It is easy since it involves less typing.

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