
The part about classes being stored in a database has me confused. I
thought that classes were in-memory for each run of a component
(cf-agent, cf-serverd, etc.). Are you saying classes are something like
a shared value between the components, rather than each component
essentially having its own view of the world, so to speak?

I assume you're referring to cf_classes.tcdb. Can you elaborate a bit
more on how that file is used? The reference manual says the file is a
"database of classes that have been defined on the current host,
including their relative frequences, scaled like a probability". That
sounds to me like it's statistical/historical, rather than realtime,


-----Original Message-----
From: d...@lonewolf.com [mailto:d...@lonewolf.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 4:08 PM
To: Lebel, Marco
Cc: Justin Lloyd; fo...@cfengine.com; help-cfengine@cfengine.org
Subject: Re: Cfengine Help: Re: RE: Cfengine Help: cfengine program flow

Kinda-sorta :-)

Classes that are defined in a "common" bundle are global.  Classes that
defined in any other kind of bundle are local to that bundle.  See
1.6 of the manual.

Likewise, classes are cached with an expiration time, but they do go
Although they can be set with a test, the condition which sets them is
continuously evaluated - so they stick around a bit.  Classes are stored
a database - so that the various components of Cfengine can share them.
You can clear a class with the -U switch, if you need to.


> Justin,
> You are bringing an interesting point since I struggle with classes in
this c
> ontext.  But I have not done any structured testing but I am under the
> sion that once a class has been set it never gets unset.
> Again I want to stress that I never did any exhaustive testing on this
but I 
> believe that classes once set they are set globally (i.e. visible in
all subs
> equent bundle) and never get unset even if the condition that
initially creat
> ed it is no longer true... Again the key word is an impression that
needs to 
> be confirmed by someone in the know or has done the necessary testing.
> Marco
> -----Original Message-----
> From: help-cfengine-boun...@cfengine.org
> ne.org] On Behalf Of Justin Lloyd
> Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 5:31 PM
> To: fo...@cfengine.com; help-cfengine@cfengine.org
> Subject: RE: Cfengine Help: Re: RE: Cfengine Help: cfengine program
> As I understand it, it will reevalute the class promise, and therefore
> check for the file's existence, on all three iterations. A good way to
> see what is happening is to run cf-agent in verbose mode (cf-agent
> and write its output to a file then read through it. You'll see lines
> like this (yours will be prefixed with something other than "nova>"):
> [r...@rhn ~]# cf-agent -vK > /tmp/out
> [r...@rhn ~]# grep '^nova>.* in bundle .* ([1-3])' /tmp/out
> nova>    vars in bundle def (1)
> nova>    classes in bundle def (1)
> nova>    vars in bundle def (2)
> nova>    classes in bundle def (2)
> nova>    vars in bundle def (3)
> nova>    classes in bundle def (3)
> nova>    vars in bundle update (1)
> nova>    classes in bundle update (1)
> nova>    processes in bundle update (1)
> nova>    commands in bundle update (1)
> nova>    files in bundle update (1)
> nova>    services in bundle update (1)
> nova>    vars in bundle update (2)
> nova>    classes in bundle update (2)
> nova>    processes in bundle update (2)
> nova>    commands in bundle update (2)
> nova>    files in bundle update (2)
> nova>    services in bundle update (2)
> nova>    vars in bundle update (3)
> nova>    classes in bundle update (3)
> nova>    processes in bundle update (3)
> nova>    commands in bundle update (3)
> nova>    files in bundle update (3)
> nova>    services in bundle update (3)
> nova>    vars in bundle dg (1)
> nova>    classes in bundle dg (1)
> nova>    vars in bundle dg (2)
> nova>    classes in bundle dg (2)
> nova>    vars in bundle dg (3)
> nova>    classes in bundle dg (3)
> Note how it does 3 iterations of the promise types in bundle "def",
> 3 of bundle "update", etc. ("dg" is a custom bundle of mine).
> Justin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: help-cfengine-boun...@cfengine.org
> [mailto:help-cfengine-boun...@cfengine.org] On Behalf Of
> fo...@cfengine.com
> Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 3:22 PM
> To: help-cfengine@cfengine.org
> Subject: Cfengine Help: Re: RE: Cfengine Help: cfengine program flow
> Forum: Cfengine Help
> Subject: Re: RE: Cfengine Help: cfengine program flow
> Author: nicolas
> Link to topic:
> https://cfengine.com/forum/read.php?3,16959,16960#msg-16960
> thanks for the fast response.
it helps, i thought this is a recommendation :-/ (i should read more
> exactly)
> but one question i still have: 
> if i define a class:
> classes:
> "xy_installed" expression => fileexists("/usr/example");
> does it recheck this value each time i use 
> xy_installed::
> or only once at the beginning of each of the 3 times?
> regards 
> nicolas
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