Viktor Szakáts wrote:
>> To be on the quicker side, and if it can be acieved easily,
>> can you provide functionality to call Harbour.exe for each souce 
>> separately controllable through some switch, i.e., -componebyone=yes.
> No sorry, I'd like to find the real solution.

Well I did some experiments and here I get the solution ( though temporary )
until the issue is resolved:

hbmk2.prg [ #3972 ]

#if 1 /* Original */
         cCommand := FN_Escape( DirAddPathSep( PathSepToSelf(
l_cHB_BIN_INSTALL ) ) + cBin_CompPRG + cBinExt, nCmd_Esc ) +;
                     " " + iif( hbmk[ _HBMK_lCreateLib ] .OR. hbmk[
_HBMK_lCreateDyn ], "-n1", iif( hbmk[ _HBMK_nHBMODE ] != _HBMODE_NATIVE,
"-n", "-n2" ) ) +;
                     " " + ArrayToList( l_aPRG_TODO,, nCmd_Esc ) +;
                     iif( hbmk[ _HBMK_lBLDFLGP ], " " + hb_Version(
                     iif( ! Empty( GetEnv( "HB_USER_PRGFLAGS" ) ), " " +
GetEnv( "HB_USER_PRGFLAGS" ), "" ) +;
                     iif( ! Empty( hbmk[ _HBMK_aOPTPRG ] ), " " +
ArrayToList( hbmk[ _HBMK_aOPTPRG ] ), "" )
for each cPrg in l_aPRG_TODO
         cCommand := FN_Escape( DirAddPathSep( PathSepToSelf(
l_cHB_BIN_INSTALL ) ) + cBin_CompPRG + cBinExt, nCmd_Esc ) +;
                     " " + iif( hbmk[ _HBMK_lCreateLib ] .OR. hbmk[
_HBMK_lCreateDyn ], "-n1", iif( hbmk[ _HBMK_nHBMODE ] != _HBMODE_NATIVE,
"-n", "-n2" ) ) +;
                     iif( hbmk[ _HBMK_lBLDFLGP ], " " + hb_Version(
                     iif( ! Empty( GetEnv( "HB_USER_PRGFLAGS" ) ), " " +
GetEnv( "HB_USER_PRGFLAGS" ), "" ) +;
                     iif( ! Empty( hbmk[ _HBMK_aOPTPRG ] ), " " +
ArrayToList( hbmk[ _HBMK_aOPTPRG ] ), "" ) +;
                     " " + cPrg
         cCommand := AllTrim( cCommand )

         IF hbmk[ _HBMK_lTRACE ]
            IF ! hbmk[ _HBMK_lQuiet ]
               hbmk_OutStd( hbmk, I_( "Harbour compiler command:" ) )
            OutStd( cCommand + _OUT_EOL )

         IF ! hbmk[ _HBMK_lDONTEXEC ] .AND. ( tmp := hb_processRun( cCommand
) ) != 0
            hbmk_OutErr( hbmk, hb_StrFormat( I_( "Error: Running Harbour
compiler. %1$s" ), hb_ntos( tmp ) ) )
            IF ! hbmk[ _HBMK_lQuiet ]
               OutErr( cCommand + _OUT_EOL )
            IF ! hbmk[ _HBMK_lIGNOREERROR ]
               IF hbmk[ _HBMK_lBEEP ]
                  DoBeep( .F. )
               RETURN 6
#if 0

This also opens up some interesting possibilities.
For example, xMate accepts compiler switches per indivisual file basis.
This feature alone has helped our institution to be on the target quickly.

Now I am pressing hbMK2 and hbIDE for the job, but here it seems a 
show-stopper unless I tweak hbMK2 to suit our purpose ( which 
from the core of my heart, I do not want ). Currently it is a show-stopper
for this application to be hooked into hbIDE.

     enjoy hbIDEing...
        Pritpal Bedi
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