Viktor Here is the modified version. Please let me know if it needs refinements:
FUNCTION hbide_getIniPath( cHbideIni ) LOCAL cPath, cIni IF empty( cHbideIni ) IF ! hb_FileExists( cIni := hb_dirBase() + "hbide.ini" ) #if defined( __PLATFORM__WINDOWS ) cPath := GetEnv( "APPDATA" ) + "\hbide\" #elif defined( __PLATFORM_UNIX ) cPath := GetEnv( "HOME" ) + "/.hbide/" #endif IF ! hb_dirExists( cPath ) MakeDir( cPath ) ENDIF cIni := cPath + "hbide.ini" ENDIF ELSE cIni := cHbideIni ENDIF RETURN cIni The previous implementation was: IF empty( cHbideIni ) IF hb_fileExists( "hbide.ini" ) cHbideIni := "hbide.ini" ELSE cHbideIni := hb_dirBase() + "hbide.ini" ENDIF ENDIF oIde:cProjIni := cHbideIni new : oIde:cProjIni := hbide_DetectIniPath( cHbideIni ) cHbideIni is command-line supplied ini path. ----- enjoy hbIDEing... Pritpal Bedi -- View this message in context: Sent from the harbour-devel mailing list archive at _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)