Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Sorry, but I can't see what you mean by "respected".
> You can read them using GETENV( "APPDATA" ).
> While the cmdline configuration option you mention above 
> is nice, it's still not a solution to this problem.
> Instead IMO you could do something like this:
> FUNCTION DetectIniPath()
>    IF ! hb_FileExists( hb_dirBase() + "hbide.ini" )
>    #if defined( __PLATFORM__WINDOWS )
>       RETURN GetEnv( "APPDATA" ) + "\hbide\" 
>    #elif defined( __PLATFORM_UNIX )
>       RETURN GetEnv( "HOME" ) + "/.hbide/"
>    #endif
>    ENDIF
>    RETURN hb_dirBase()
> And use the returned path as the base path for 
> hbide.ini, .viz and the rest.
> For the project base dir (and other default user 
> directories), you should use GetEnv( "HOME" )
> on *nix and GetEnv( "HOMEDRIVE" ) + GetEnv( "HOMEPATH" ) 
> for Windows.

Thanks, this seems to be right solution.
One point, however is, what if this path does not exists.
What function is appropriate for creating folder ?

     enjoy hbIDEing...
        Pritpal Bedi
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