Antonio Maniero wrote:
> I think all IDE components need to free to be put in any place, specially
> with 2 monitors. Now I work with 2x 1280x1024 but I am buying 2 new
> monitors
> to work on portrait position (2x 1200x1920).

It is there.
Just click on "Float" button on any of the docking widgets ( right-side )
The window becomes independent and you can place them anywhere you want.
Also next run will remember previous positions and will open there when

> Keyboard mapping for all components and many others things need to be
> configurable too. For me, IDE was born to be flexible.

It is there with more flexibility.
In coming days it will be enhanced to accomodate many more public API

> Column mode is absolutely necessary.

This is one dark-area I have not been able to find a solution yet.
But the efforts are ON and hopefully some-day I will succeed.

> I will try do real use with HBIDE this week to review it.

We will be looking forward your inputs.

     enjoy hbIDEing...
        Pritpal Bedi
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