I made a suggestion regarding hbide
Finish/Explain xharbour/clipper support
Finish wizard for create new project
Remove welcome screen in particular when load from command line hbide
Automatic tag in Function lookup

Possible a theme with color like Visual studio 2010 and  keyboard mapping in
editor function:

3 toolbar are a lot, possible remove one?
very good use of tab in right& Left screen when you open Multiple function
like Documentation,function list ,Project Properties..
Now toolbar will be included inside right & left screen (last row)
Better having toolbar as first,last row
keboard mapping i not able execute at f12  exectool("calc.exe")

2010/4/19 Pritpal Bedi <bediprit...@hotmail.com>

> Hello Everybody
> Can you review and suggest something is if
> going the right direction ?
> --
Massimo Belgrano
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

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