Barry Jackson wrote: > >> My ash project does not run now - I suspect a change in Harbour in the >> last few days has broken it as it has always been OK. >> >> Error DBCMD/35 Workarea not in use: __DBLOCATE >> Called from __DBLOCATE(0) >> Called from INTVAR(401) >> Called from MAIN(195) > > Pritpal, > > Ah! - this is related to hbide! > I have just discovered that hbide IS launching ash - but in the > background and after hbide is closed the process is still running - > locking the .dbf, which is why I was getting the above error in > subsequently trying to run my appliaction. > I ran tests on dBlocate() etc and all was fine with current harbour, so > I re-loaded ash into hbide and tried to launch it. > There is nothing in the log, but /home/baz/hash/ash is running. > These are the open files (after hbide is closed) :- > > ash 451 baz cwd DIR 8,11 12288 > 3719282 /home/baz/hash > > Hope that sheds some light. >
When a project is launched after build it is done in a detached process and it must show up. If what you say is true, then you may experiment with qProcess:startDetached_2( cTargetFN ) Play with METHOD IdeProjManager:launchProject( cProject, cExe ) and let us know what parameters are passed and in what way. May be we need to initiate a shell command to execute the executable. ----- enjoy hbIDEing... Pritpal Bedi -- View this message in context: Sent from the harbour-devel mailing list archive at _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)