On 11/04/10 20:14, Pritpal Bedi wrote:
Pritpal Bedi wrote:
It should launch theoretically.
But let us examine how I am initiating the launch.
#if 1
qProcess := QProcess():new()
qProcess:setWorkingDirectory( hbide_pathToOSPath(
oProject:wrkDirectory ) )
IF !empty( oProject:launchParams )
qStr := QStringList():new()
qStr:append( oProject:launchParams )
qProcess:startDetached_1( cTargetFN, qStr )
qProcess:startDetached_2( cTargetFN )
qProcess := NIL
Please investigate. It is straight forward.
Somewhere we are missing how should we pass the params to QProcess().
METHOD IdeProjManager:launchProject( cProject, cExe )
needs to be overhauled as it is Windows centric anyway.
Because passed parameter is not having ".exe" as extnsion,
nothing has hapened. Please check.
enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi
I hit another problem trying to test with a simple "Hello World" project.
I have seen this before but was waiting until other issues were fixed.
On attempting to add a second project to hbide, either by creating from
scratch, or using an existing .hbp, this array bound error crashes hbide.
My ash project does not run now - I suspect a change in Harbour in the
last few days has broken it as it has always been OK.
Error DBCMD/35 Workarea not in use: __DBLOCATE
Called from __DBLOCATE(0)
Called from INTVAR(401)
Called from MAIN(195)
It's a very simple early routine that opens a .dbf, locates some data
and closes it again, before main system is up and indexes opened etc.
399 FUNCTION intvar
400 USE company
401 LOCATE FOR co = "ZZ"
402 IF FOUND()
403 zco = cmpny
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