On 11/04/10 21:08, Pritpal Bedi wrote:
First, do not mix two issues in one thread, open another.
Can you guard idehome.prg#368
aadd( aHtm, ' ' + dtoc( dir_[ 1,3 ] ) + " " + dir_[ 1,4 ] )
if ! empty( dir_ )
aadd( aHtm, ' ' + dtoc( dir_[ 1,3 ] ) + " " + dir_[ 1,4 ] )
That worked - sort of, but it seems not to save the second project
properly between runs, and mixes displayed info from one project in the
other, so I now have just one very simple project to test this problem.
Project [ hellotest ] Launch [ Yes ] Rebuild [ No ] Started [
23:32:26 ]
Batch File Exists => /home/baz/tmp/2bxo6s.sh
Batch File Contents =>
export PATH=$PATH:/home/baz/SVN/harbour/bin/linux/gcc
hbmk2 /home/baz/hbr/hbhello/hellotest.hbp -q -trace -info -lang=en
Command => /bin/bash
Arguments => /home/baz/tmp/2bxo6s.sh
CurDir() => home/baz/hash Starting in => /home/baz/hbr/hbhello/ <=
CurDir() wrong - this project is not going into /home/baz/hash
hbmk2: Autodetected platform: linux
hbmk2: Autodetected C compiler: gcc
hbmk2: Using Harbour: /home/baz/SVN/harbour/bin
/home/baz/SVN/harbour/lib/linux/gcc /home/baz/SVN/harbour/lib/linux/gcc
hbmk2: Harbour compiler command (embedded):
(/home/baz/SVN/harbour/bin/linux/gcc/harbour) -n2
/home/baz/hbr/hbhello/hellotest.prg -q -o/home/baz/tmp/
Harbour 2.1.0dev (Rev. 14310)
Copyright (c) 1999-2010, http://www.harbour-project.org/
hbmk2: C/C++ compiler command:
gcc -c -O3 -Wall -W -pipe -I/home/baz/SVN/harbour/include
/home/baz/tmp/hellotest.c -o /home/baz/tmp/hellotest.o
hbmk2: C/C++ compiler command:
gcc -c -O3 -Wall -W -pipe -I/home/baz/SVN/harbour/include
/home/baz/tmp/hbmk_kv2ysd.c -o /home/baz/tmp/hbmk_kv2ysd.o
hbmk2: Linker command:
gcc /home/baz/tmp/hellotest.o /home/baz/tmp/hbmk_kv2ysd.o
-Wl,--start-group -lhbextern -lhbdebug -lhbvm -lhbrtl -lhblang -lhbcpage
-lgtcgi -lgtpca -lgtstd -lgttrm -lhbrdd -lhbuddall -lhbusrrdd -lrddntx
-lrddcdx -lrddnsx -lrddfpt -lhbrdd -lhbhsx -lhbsix -lhbmacro -lhbcplr
-lhbpp -lhbcommon -lm -ldl -lrt -lpcre -lz -Wl,--end-group -ohellotest
Exit Code [ 0 ] Exit Status [ 0 ] Finished at [ 23:32:28 ] Done
in [ 1.10 Secs ]
Detected exeutable => hellotest <==
Typo :-)
Launching application [ /home/baz/hbr/hbhello/hellotest ] <==
Looks correct.
There is no more output in the console though.
On command line in hbhello:-
[...@jackodesktop hbhello]$ ./hellotest
Hello World
or from anywhere :-
[...@jackodesktop ~]$ /home/baz/hbr/hbhello/hellotest
Hello World
How is current directory set?
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