Excellent Work in Wikipedia Antonio

If you need some help in linux , i am UBUNTU user actually , but I have
from 1997 using some distributions starting from Red Hat 5.0



2010/4/8 Antonio Maniero <mani...@klip.net>

> Hi Marco
> At the momento I will just play with Harbour on Linux. Probably I will try
> on CentOS. When I have a problem, I post here. For now I need solve some
> problems on Windows yet. I have difficulties with dependencies. I need learn
> about hbp, hbc and hbm formats. It's just my opinion, but seems too
> complicated build application with external dependencies. I got Qt and MySQL
> based applications built, but I am trying with Blat and OpenSSL now. I
> believed it would be ease with I learned with Qt and MySQL, but I still
> having problems without a clue.
> []'s Maniero
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