On 08/04/10 23:58, Pritpal Bedi wrote:
Barry Jackson wrote:
/bin/bash: is sent by Qt and I do not know what it is.
That is similar format to bash error message format e.g.
[...@jackodesktop ~]$ qwertyuiop
bash: qwertyuiop: command not found
[...@jackodesktop ~]$
sh is normally a link to bash which is always in /bin in the system
path, so /bin/bash does the same as sh
Can you check the value of<cCmd> ?
So it means
/bin/bash /home/baz/tmp/h2zifo.sh&& hbmk2 /home/baz/hash/ash.hbp -q -trace
-info -lang=en
is not executing /home/baz/tmp/h2zifo.sh&& [ Notice no space
between .sh and&& ]
if this is the case, I am confused, why not it shows up a space inbetween.
the constructor is : cArg := iif( empty( ::cBatch ), cC, cC + ::cBatch + "
&& " )
Don't get confused between the .sh extension which is optionally used
for shell scripts, and the command sh which is a link to /bin/bash.
Where are you seeing no space between script.sh and && ?
cCArg is:-
/home/baz/asd45f.sh &&
I have not seen it without the space.
The final command sent to the command line should AFAICT be:-
/bin/bash /home/baz/tmp/ahrl8i.sh && hbmk2 /home/baz/hash/ash.hbp -q
-trace -info -lang=en
Running that on command line works fine.
At present (from the console output) it seems to be just:-
/home/baz/tmp/ahrl8i.sh && hbmk2 /home/baz/hash/ash.hbp -q -trace -info
If I change to this
cC := iif( hbide_getOS() == "nix", "/bin/bash ", "/C " )
then the console output looks correct, but still does not run:-
/home/baz/tmp/mw7pe1.sh : Exists
/bin/bash /home/baz/tmp/mw7pe1.sh && hbmk2 /home/baz/hash/ash.hbp -q
-trace -info -lang=en
Starting in: home/baz/hash : /home/baz/hash/
/bin/bash: /bin/bash /home/baz/tmp/mw7pe1.sh && hbmk2
/home/baz/hash/ash.hbp -q -trace -info -lang=en : No such file or directory
If Qt sends the /bin/bash cCmd part invisibly, then I am of course
wrong, but I would have expected the full command to be shown in the
error message.
> I am really lost.
No hope for me then :-(
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