Barry Jackson wrote:
> cCArg is:-
> /home/baz/ &&

Ah, Ok.

> The final command sent to the command line should  AFAICT be:-
> /bin/bash /home/baz/tmp/ && hbmk2 /home/baz/hash/ash.hbp -q 
> -trace -info -lang=en
> Running that on command line works fine.

It should be the case with hbIDE but it is not...

> At present (from the console output) it seems to be just:-
> /home/baz/tmp/ && hbmk2 /home/baz/hash/ash.hbp -q -trace -info 
> -lang=en

You are not taking into consideration <cCmd>.
QProcess() expects two components, command and parameters.
What you see are parameters, command is verified with <cCmd>
as it shows up as - /bin/bash ( you confirmed in a prev post ).

> If I change to this
>   cC   := iif( hbide_getOS() == "nix", "/bin/bash ", "/C " )
>   then the console output looks correct, but still does not run:-

No, this is not the correct way, it will never work.

> If Qt sends the /bin/bash cCmd part invisibly, then I am of course 
> wrong, but I would have expected the full command to be shown in the 
> error message.

Not invisibly. We are sending it as <cCmd>, <cArgs> where 
cCmd == /bin/bash 
cArgs == /home/baz/tmp/ && hbmk2 /home/baz/hash/ash.hbp -q -trace
-info -lang=en

> No hope for me then :-(

Don't be disheartened. We will succeed one day.

     enjoy hbIDEing...
        Pritpal Bedi
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