On 08/04/10 16:27, Pritpal Bedi wrote:
Barry Jackson wrote:
I paused hbide just after it wrote (and closed) the temp script.
I found the script and ran it after displaying PATH and looking at the
[...@jackodesktop tmp]$ echo $PATH
If you will pause hbIDE, probably Qt might have stopped executing
the child process as well, no ? If yes, then try not to pause it here
but just comment out FERASE() and you will be able to view the contents.
To view environment setting, try to dump the path into output console
after process is started or just before "finished" is called.
export HB_COMPILER=gcc
export PATH=$PATH:/home/baz/SVN/harbour/bin/linux/gcc
export PATH=$PATH:/home/baz/SVN/harbour/lib/linux/gcc
export PATH=$PATH:/home/baz/SVN/harbour/include
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/gcc:/usr/lib/gcc
Please add path to Harbour bin as the last line ( in hbide.env )
{content} export PATH=$PATH:/home/baz/SVN/harbour/
It appears script is not "executed" at all.
enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi
But before I do, may I ask whether the line I see in the console output
is the command used to launch the build?
/bin/bash: /home/baz/tmp/ao9flu.sh && hbmk2 /home/baz/hash/ash.hbp -q
-trace -info -lang=en
If it's just the error message only then fine, but if it is the command
then it should not have the ":".
Without this, (using a dummy script in ~/tmp) it runs OK :-
/bin/bash /home/baz/tmp/test.sh && hbmk2 /home/baz/hash/ash.hbp -q
-trace -info -lang=en
I have searched your code to try to see the actual command line but
can't get at it.
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