Imo also the learning curve is better with hbide 2010/3/21 Viktor Szakáts <>: > Guys, if gradient is a requirement to be "modern", just > do it, but don't overdo it or IOW do it lightly like these > tools do. > > I didn't test MSVS and other "modern" tools in terminal > server (or VM with not fully accelerated video) situations, > but I can imagine these visual fluffs are (or can be) > disabled when running in such environment. > > In any case, maybe it would be good to make it an option > in HBIDE. Visual fluff is nice for the first 10 days, but > if it makes work any slower or require any more resources > than absolutely necessary it becomes an annoyance over time, > and here we're talking about months and years of daily > work with these visual dev tools. > > Brgds, > Viktor > > On 2010 Mar 20, at 20:22, Massimo Belgrano wrote: > >>>> Project mapping and user menu (because i use for integrate harbour >>>> developer language with winapi) >>> On TODO list. >> Very good! >> >>>> Gui Debugger >>> Still not thought of, I need be more educated in this field. >> basic function of prg level debug are exec steep by step your prg and >> show value of variable >> MultiThread give more difficult debug >> c level need solution like Valgrind >> Can somebody share here intresting experiences in different language? >> >>>> -Color and look must find a way to be more professional >>>> >>> >>> >>> Where do you find hbIDE does not look professional ? >>> Single out the areas and suggest what should be different. >>> We removed the gradients because of obivious reasons, >>> that is what you are pointing out ? >> in follow lin same screeen shoot of Vistual studio 2010 all >> icon,element are blue colored >> qt similar look green >> In color area Vailton Renato have made a very good work with Harbour website >> Can Vailton Help here? >> >> Anybody can contribute here with wich are good look and feel for Modern Gui >> Web 2.0 Colour >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>>> -Having all toolbar feature in also menu because tree toolbar are a >>>> lot and little unusual >>>> -we need reduce complexity >>> Here I am totally disagree with you at all. >>> How do you consider a menu is better than a toolbar. >>> In this case you are refering to tree-views, right ? >>> Note that complex nature of some data need different >>> presentation methodology. >> No sorry i bad explain >> if you give either way of do a Thing, can be used for user that >> habitually use menu or toolbar or righclick >> for example i use menu and user menu for discover choice offered from a >> program >> then want define my preferred customised icon toolbar >> >>> >>>> -give a extensibility for allow the creation of plugin >>> "pligin" concept is proprietory to Qt itself, and cannot be >>> replicated through Harbour wrappers. >>> BTW which "plugins" you are talking about? >> still sorry for my bad english >> I think a plugin for hbide, >> FOr example if a write a program and want use in hbide >> Kind of program may be like... >> -customised file compare >> -Another file search function >> -Binary editor >> -Support a different language in hbide >> >>> >> >> >> >> >> -- >> Massimo Belgrano
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