Hi Pritpal
I am using xmate to editing my harbour project and i am very
productive thanks to your project

Can you publish  your todo of hbide?

This is my ordered wishlist and sorry if same are know
Project mapping and user menu (because i use for integrate harbour
developer language with winapi)
Command line to load project or single prg
Easy creation of project
Capability of Using also  xharbour/clipper
Project function lookup is very good but little complex to use: is
possible Define a hbide project flag who automatically open tag so
balance need of fast load  with easy to use
Gui Debugger

Look and ispiration area
  -Color and look must find a way to be more professional
  -Having all toolbar feature in also menu because tree toolbar are a
lot and little unusual
  -we need reduce complexity
  -give a extensibility for allow the creation of plugin

Still thanks for hbide
Massimo Belgrano
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