Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Because current static update method doesn't play 
> when in multiuser scenarios. (f.e. hbide is shared 
> on a network drive, or used in a terminal server 
> environment)

The above one argument is what I believe is worth clubbing
many formats in one .ini, rest are our thinking and concepts.
I will try to patch it.

> Just to name four. BTW, you asked for improvements 
> requests, and this one is IMO an important one.

Thank you.

> It's not an 'all or nothing' thing. Just don't use 
> additional files unless absolutely necessary, that's 
> all.

Off course, but not at the cost of a feature.

> Did you try HB_INI*() functions?

No, never, I have my own code. I will try.

> BTW, we're not even obliged to use a relatively 
> complicated .ini format. A simple flat format 
> is much easier to handle. F.e. this one also 
> stays compatible with .ini standard:
> F.e.:
> ---
> [hbide]
> global.MainWindowGeometry=-4,-4,1291,814,
> global.ProjectTreeVisible=1
> global.FunctionListVisible=0
> global.RecentTabIndex=-1
> global.CurrentProject=
> global.GotoDialogGeometry=
> global.FindDialogGeometry=
> global.CurrentTheme=City Lights
> global.CurrentCodec=
> global.PathMk2=
> global.PathEnv=
> global.CurrentEnvironment=
> global.CurrentFind=
> global.CurrentFolderFind=
> global.CurrentReplace=
> global.CurrentView= Stats
> CurrentHarbour=
> PROJECTS=F:\work\harbour\harbour\contrib\hbide\config.hbp,...
> RECENTFILES=f:/work/harbour/harbour/contrib/hbide/idetags.prg;f:/work/harbour/harbour/contrib/hbide/ideeditor.prg;f:/work/harbour/harbour/contrib/hbide/idedocks.prg
> RECENTPROJECTS=f:/work/harbour/harbour/contrib/hbide/hbide.hbp
> ---
> You can easily add the QT settings to that format.

It looks promising, but what if line length of some values 
increases the supported lenth.

> It's not the extension, it's the placement.
> Probably '${HOME}/.hbide' should be the dir 
> to store .ini-like stuff on *nix. On Windows, 
> this could be '%APPDATA%\.hbide' dir, on OS/2 
> I don't know.

Someone has to jump in, even I do not know.

> As for "resources" stuff, I don't know, probably 
> best would be to incorporate all of them right 
> into the executable in some ways, otherwise hbide 
> will need an installer to place these to the 
> expected on platform location. Or some *nix 
> users will give better ideas.

For resources to be inside exe, we need to compile
 and/or link with Qt's own engine. There is no other
way. This is one point I could never resolve.

> I can see .ui files in SVN. If they are not used, 
> maybe they can be deleted to avoid confusion.

No, it cannot be deleted.
.ui is the feed for Qt Designer, .uic is the feed for
Harbour. It is basically a .cpp which I parse and 
convert to object. For changes we always need .ui.

                 enjoy hbIDEing...
                    Pritpal Bedi 
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