HBIDE is very good tool and imo is very near to xmate level but I am using hbide as primary editor for harbour
Unfinished the sub project/multi project implementation What can be done more simple create project like visual studio one click create folder,prg,hbp visual define harbour/hbmk flag User defined keyboard mapping and user menu Project tree require too many click automatic tag of project function lookup for search in seleted project when i select a souce of project automatically select this project as current Made possible add documentation to harbour using hbide Simple keystroke for open harbour help (f1) and go to selected function mark breakpoint & visual debug column mode in editor extend intellisense capabillty Follow are requested from other user that i have received via mail is Possible use with xharbour or xbase++? is possible use via command line for edit a project or a prg or rc? Is possible define the structure of file like fromfoxpro modi stru command? Integrate Dot prompt dbase functionaly Feature can be classified 1) more easy for first time user (i vote this!) 2) more powerfull for advanced user 2010/3/11 Pritpal Bedi <bediprit...@hotmail.com> > > Hello Everybody > > Today, on 11Mar2010, hbIDE is 3 months and 24 days old, > and it's time to look at it from different angles. > > I invite everybody to express himself as to > > what is left unfinished, > what more is needed, > what needs to be addressed again, > in context to priorities and preferences. > > I am really eager to listen to you. > > > ----- > enjoy hbIDEing... > Pritpal Bedi > _a_student_of_software_analysis_&_design_ > -- > View this message in context: > http://n2.nabble.com/hbIDE-Let-s-review-tp4717833p4717833.html > Sent from the harbour-devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com. > _______________________________________________ > Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB) > Harbour@harbour-project.org > http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour > -- Massimo Belgrano
_______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB) Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour