I have lost my works working with hbide :I have write my source, compiled,
not uderstand error different from my source
reloaded project restarting very early working ( The works was array flag

Follow my macro suggestion:
Save a project When compile a project  like xmate ,
Visual studio Allow compiled a project not saved (imo thanks temporary
Implement Autosave that be rock gmail

2010/3/11 Pritpal Bedi <bediprit...@hotmail.com>

> Hello Everybody
> Today, on 11Mar2010, hbIDE is 3 months and 24 days old,
> and it's time to look at it from different angles.
> I invite everybody to express himself as to
> what is left unfinished,
> what more is needed,
> what needs to be addressed again,
> in context to priorities and preferences.
> I am really eager to listen to you.
> --
Massimo Belgrano
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