Massimo Belgrano wrote:
> very Good Intellisense implementation
> a little request:
> in xmate is alloved goto function with ctrl -t and visual studio 2008
> use Shift F2

Done. CTRL+T opens the function. 

> Automatic Mode without load tag or re_tag

This is natural extension, but I am not sure what the user 
will be tagging in current session. Consider if you want to 
work on Proj A and C which have interchangeable functions
you would like to refer to but you have 10 other projects 
in current session, the auto loading will unnecessarily 
consume the time.

I need more views on this topic.

> extend intellisense to lib function with template

I could not get your viewpoint. Please explain in little detail.

> Applicate intellisense to Class

How it should behave and what contents it should showup?

                 enjoy hbIDEing...
                    Pritpal Bedi 
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