Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> 1) I tested it and the GPF on exit seems to have disappeared, 
> but my problem is that the fix is not a real one.
> Simply this variable is not destructed anymore in HBQT code:
> ---
> //   ::oWidget := NIL  /* Variable Destruction GPFs */
> ---
> Probably we should find the real problem and make the 
> real fix. Current workaround only postpones it.

I have this in mind and will eventually fix it. I now know
why it is. I have just to clean-up or find some other way 
to parent a widget of modal nature.

> 2) Focus stealing already reported for project tree is 
> still present for 'Editor tabs' when source file is open.


> 3) I tried the "session" feature and it's nice, it'd 
> just be even nicer if it could be used more intuitively.
> The UI doesn't make any apparent connection between 
> the colored dots and the dropdown list. Maybe they should 
> be on the same toolbar.. or the colors also visible in the 
> dropdown list. BTW, pressing OK with the original text "New...", 
> will silently do nothing and after it you can't select 
> "New..." again until you select another item and reselect 
> "New...". An error message or a grayed "OK" button would 
> be nicer in this error case.

Yep, I agree.

Combo-boxes have an inherent problem which I cannot overcome,
that's why this behavior.

One alternative could be, "New..." option is activated through 
<File><New Tab...> in the main menu, eliminate the combo-box
at all. It will be simple and tangible. 

Opinions are welcome.

                 enjoy hbIDEing...
                    Pritpal Bedi 
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