On 2010 Jan 2, at 01:53, francesco perillo wrote:

> I may try to build rpms for openSuse... I should have 3 or 4 opensuse
> versions available to build harbour on...
> I need to ask a question: if I install the mysql client and build
> harbour to activate mysql integration, the user that install that rpm
> must also have the mysql client installed ?????
> I ask this because from what I understand, rpm building is now
> "monolithic", there is one rpm with all the stuff, mandatory or
> optional.
> So to be useful to everybody I should build a rpm with all the options
> included (mysql, ads...) But I imagine that for the users, to have
> these options working, they should also have the "clients" installed
> so I should set the "clients" as pre-requisites... but with these
> requirements I force everybody to install mysql client, ads client
> etc.
> Or better, I may build with every option set, but with no dependencies
> at all .... but if the client installation is required I will give the
> users the idea that mysql integration is available while it is not ...
> Another option would be to have the packages split: the first one,
> monolithic, is the "base" package, the "mandatory" one. All the
> optional packages have the "base" package as pre-requisite and each
> one has its own "client" pre-requistite... a bit like the php
> packaging... So every user may install the base package and the
> install only the optional that he needs....

It should work like this already. Except there are 
a few things to fix: Allegro, Cairo and Freeimage 
dependent contribs aren't created in separate rpms, 
plus OpenSSL dependency isn't set when Harbour is 
build with OpenSSL option.

I'll commit something, but I'm not expert in RPM 
and don't have an opportunity to test, so I'd like 
to ask RPM users to test and further patch it.


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