Hi Mindaugas,

That's great.

Is it possible to link cairo lib statically to final commercial apps?


On 2009 Nov 30, at 20:33, snaipe...@users.sourceforge.net wrote:

> Revision: 13074
> http://harbour-project.svn.sourceforge.net/harbour-project/?rev=13074&view=rev
> Author:   snaiperis
> Date:     2009-11-30 19:33:57 +0000 (Mon, 30 Nov 2009)
> Log Message:
> -----------
> 2009-11-30 21:31 UTC+0200 Mindaugas Kavaliauskas (dbtopas/at/dbtopas.lt)
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/Makefile
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/context.c
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/core.c
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/imgae.c
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/paths.c
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/pdf.c
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/png.c
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/text.c
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/hbcairo.ch
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/hbcairo.h
>    + Added Cairo graphics library
>    ; It's a 2D graphic library that makes drawing commands platform 
>      independent. Supported backends are: memory image, PDF, PNG, PS, 
>      Win32 DC, SVG, Quartz, Xlib, started Qt development. I.e., you 
>      can forget if you are drawing on screen, printer, PDF, or image
>      file from know. GTK and FireFox are only a sample of well-known 
>      library/application that uses Cairo as rendering engine.
>    ; Webpage: http://cairoprahics.org
>    ; Binaries, development files and related packages (ex., libpng) for 
>      Windows can be found at http://www.gtk.org/download-windows.html
>    ; I've used multiple .c files so store Harbour level functions. 
>      Functions are split into source files using help sections of
>      original Cairo docs (http://cairographics.org/manual/)
>    ; You'll find the full documentation on Cairo webpage. Only a few 
>      functions are spesific to Harbour and could not be found in 
>      original documentaion. It accesses C language structures of Cairo 
>      library. These functions are:
>         cairo_path_iterator_create( hPath ) --> hIterator
>         cairo_path_iterator_next( hIterator ) --> nType | NIL
>         cairo_path_iterator_get_points( hIterator ) --> aPoints
>         cairo_path_iterator_set_points( hIterator, aPoints ) --> lOk
>    ; Internal Cairo pointers/handlers are implemented using collectible 
>      pointers. It is destroyed after is not visible to probram any more.
>      Though original functions cairo_*_destroy() are also implemeted for 
>      those, who wants to make it code clean.
>    ; TOCHECK: GC pointers implementation, HB_USE_ITEM define.
>    ; TODO: I've implemted not all functions of Cairo. Actually, the 
>      minority, but it's enough to do some fancy things.
>    ; TODO: Makefile support. I've completely failed to make a working 
>      make system. I can compile library by copying Cairo *.h files into 
>      source folder and making .dll import library manualy. I guess 
>      Viktor can solve the issues in 3 minutes.
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/tests
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/tests/hbmk.hbm
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/tests/fancytxt.prg
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/tests/glyphdbg.prg
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/tests/hellow.prg
>  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo/tests/table.prg
>    + added a few samples to generate .pdf/.png images
>    ; NOTE: one of the things that make me to spend 3 days for doing this 
>      commit is never ending emails about .pdf library problems on 
>      developers mailing list. I'm using Cairo for a few years, I've 
>      mentioned it a few time on mailing list, but people does not look
>      at it before you do not show the final result. I hope this library 
>      will be helpful for many, and test code will show both basic 
>      (every day required) and fancy things you can do with Cairo.
> Modified Paths:
> --------------
>    trunk/harbour/ChangeLog
> Added Paths:
> -----------
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/Makefile
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/context.c
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/core.c
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/hbcairo.ch
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/hbcairo.h
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/hbcairo.hbc
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/image.c
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/paths.c
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/pdf.c
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/png.c
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/tests/
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/tests/fancytxt.prg
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/tests/glyphdbg.prg
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/tests/hbmk.hbm
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/tests/hellow.prg
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/tests/table.prg
>    trunk/harbour/contrib/hbcairo/text.c
> This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the 
> world's largest Open Source development site.
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