
2009-11-30 21:31 UTC+0200 Mindaugas Kavaliauskas (dbtopas/at/dbtopas.lt)
  + harbour/contrib/hbcairo

I'll write down a few issues I found in hbcairo development.

1) #include "std.ch" generates compile time errors.

2) I'm a little confused how to implement GC pointers. So, I've implemented two version in hbcairo/core.c. It can be selected [not]using HB_USE_ITEM define. In current code the switch is not defined and more "low level" version is used (actually, I even forgot to test using HB_USE_ITEM). Are these GC pointer implementations correct? A few subquestions are:

2a) hb_gcRefInc()/hb_gcRefDec() is required without HB_USE_ITEM. This requires define _HB_API_INTERNAL_. Is this OK?

2b) In function CAIRO_PATH_ITERATOR_CREATE() new item is created using: pIterator->pPath = hb_itemNew( hb_param( 1, HB_IT_POINTER ) );

2c) Does pIterator->pPath need to be unlocked in case 2b? I will mark it!

2d) If it remains locked, then hb_gcGripMark( pIterator->pPath ) in mark function is not necessary?

2e) Can I be sure that inside CAIRO_PATH_ITERATOR_NEXT() pPath is a valid (not destroyed path)? (both with and without HB_USE_ITEM)

3)What is correct way to code:
   pCairo = hb_cairo_par( 1 ); // generate RTE if parameter is wrong
   if( pData )
      cairo_something( pCairo );
or this is also ok?:
    cairo_something( hb_cairo_par( 1 ) );

4) Should implementation of procedures end with hb_ret(); ?

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