just to say that some additional docs about .hmb .hbc .hbp would be
helpfull, since --help is to short to be sufficant i used examples
for simple building, but for advanced and full usage, need something
more than --help
also had problems with platform discovery, although msvc was not
selected at instalation time, at run time hbmk discovered an
existing msvc instance and used that as default compiler, of course,
the build proces broke since there were no msvc related libs
expanded at instalation time. after i succeded to find a problem
source, i added hardcoded "compiler" switch to force mingw compiler.
Did this happen with latest Harbour? Autodetection for MSVC should
now be about the same in Harbour build and hbmk2, but it was developed
much later to the bulid phase. If it's with recent Harbour, and you
can post your PATH I can give it a check.
As for the docs, I won't have time for it (plus writing docs is
not my strong point), so besides the hundred small examples,
numerous examples on this list and quick samples in INSTALL,
don't expect it from me. I hope someone else will make one.
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