> If you can copy and past part of .prg code why you cannot copy part
> of .hbp file?
> Or if you see in source code:
>   compile and link using:
>      hbmk2 test.prg -lhbmemio
>   or:
>      hbmk2 test.prg hbmemio.hbc
> why cannot you copy '-lhbmemio' ('hbmemio.hbc') to your compile/link
> command?
> I do not see any functional difference. In both cases you have to copy
> sth from reference code but in the second case you are using unknown
> for Clipper users syntax which does not have clear for all behavior.
No the problem is that is not possible hbmk2 info is allways migging
many user require here  "How compile sample from qt or other" because
thie information is not jouned to prg

>> xbase++ for same final result  use
>> #pragma library("xppui3.lib")
>> as you read in ainet sample
>> http://news.alaska-software.com/readmessage?id=%3c1xwdedeqtb373$.1kbal6arq2jed....@40tude.net%3e&group=public.soapbox
> This is completely different feature because it works at link time so can
> be used in binary libraries.
> Unfortunately due to portability such feature cannot be added to Harbour
> because it may work only with some subset of supported by Harbour C
> compilers and practice shows that such non portable features create
> much more troubles then resolve problems.
> The proposed:
>   #pragma option:hbmk2 ...
> is compile time feature and it does not work with binary libraries.
> Looks that using above example you only confirmed that this #pragma
> command can confuse users who may just like you expect different
> behavior then the real one ;-)
> So my current conclusion is that it will only create new problems
> instead of help newbie users.
afaik i can add lib in hbc
i am afraid i dont undestand you  about what is binary library
to lack in my knowdlege
Here i hope that viktor explain
Why in compile time feature can't add binary library?
I don't want absolutely create new problems

Thanks and sorry
Best regards

> best regards,
> Przemek
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Massimo Belgrano
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