Viktor For you is not complicated, but for other user will be each operation increase difficult, and capability to made error also here we can find user that miss how compile sample, me included having "#pragma option:hbmk2 mylib.hbc" in source code cover complexity made possible copy and past from internet to a new project
Przemysław #pragma option:hbmk2 mylib.hbc allow compile with hbmk2 without know how request MYLIB is different because instruct only that is need a library/symbol In my source i have already included REQUEST HB_MEMIO but when compile with hbmk2 i must adding hbmemio.lib or #pragma option:hbmk2 hbmemio.hbc I pray either made a solution for made harbour easy for newbies 2009/10/27 Przemysław Czerpak <>: > On Tue, 27 Oct 2009, Massimo Belgrano wrote: >> i hope that you implement in hbnk2 before 2.0 something like: >> #pragma option:hbmk2 mylib.hbc >> becasue allow newbbies easy compiling script > > Massimo probably I do not understand sth but can you explain how using: > #pragma option:hbmk2 mylib.hbc > is better then: > request MYLIB > > best regards, > Przemek > _______________________________________________ > Harbour mailing list > > > -- Massimo Belgrano _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list