
David Arturo Macias Corona wrote:
> Now is working again with new IP. Use:
>    netapplctn 2941
> It will be working some hours
> Notes:
> - As said before, in LAN response is fast and do not show delay of 18
> seconds in opening table as you reported with Win2003, so seem a matter
> of OS response
> - In Internet response is slow. Perhaps it explain your note
> "Application just hanged for indefinitely and did not showup next
> screen" in your recent "Real Web IP" tests
> Make tests excluding browse(), as we know is very intensive and unuseful
> in low band networks
> As you can handle client side, modify netapplctn.prg to apply other kind
> of tests, creating, indexing, opening, filling, querys and so on
> A simple
>    ? recno()
> in filling table loop can help to measure time adding/storing records
> Try with more than one session too
> This will be a "real Web" tests.
> If you are in India, the minimum distance in tests will be Earth diameter

I run my application "Vouch" and it did show up the first screen.
A step forward. Then it showed me some errors and that I know why so.
Can you look into "data" folder where server is running and tell me if 
you see some .dbf's and .z01's. If yes, then can you craete a folder 
c:\creative.ram and run server there on 63000 port ? 
My application expect this path and some subfolders therein.


Thanks for the server for testing.

Pritpal Bedi
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