From your prefered environment, use:
netapplctn 2941
First people in test will create files :-)
I cannot connect. Is it stopped now ?
I left it working around one hour and you tried later
Now is working again with new IP. Use:
netapplctn 2941
It will be working some hours
- As said before, in LAN response is fast and do not show delay of 18
seconds in opening table as you reported with Win2003, so seem a matter
of OS response
- In Internet response is slow. Perhaps it explain your note
"Application just hanged for indefinitely and did not showup next
screen" in your recent "Real Web IP" tests
Make tests excluding browse(), as we know is very intensive and unuseful
in low band networks
As you can handle client side, modify netapplctn.prg to apply other kind
of tests, creating, indexing, opening, filling, querys and so on
A simple
? recno()
in filling table loop can help to measure time adding/storing records
Try with more than one session too
This will be a "real Web" tests.
If you are in India, the minimum distance in tests will be Earth diameter
David Macias
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