VS> You can build all Harbour libraries or subdirs on all supported
VS> platforms just the same way as you build full Harbour from root.
VS> Just start GNU Make in the directory you want to rebuild:
VS> C:\harbour\source\rtl\gtwvt> mingw32-make [clean] [install]
Thanks - done.
'hbmk2 *.c -hblib -ogtwvt' is the same result ?
VS> In this specific case it should be the same.
VS> Generally however I don't recommend using hbmk2
VS> this way to build core/contrib components.
VS> It may miss important settings, and it may not work
VS> the same for other libs or platforms.
So second question : must i build full Harbour in this case ?
No, it's enough to build this lib only, using GNU Make (not hbmk2).
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