[sobota, 22 sierpie� 2009], Jarosław Kądzioła napisa�(a):


> I've use modificated wcecon.prg from harbour/tests :
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> #include "hbgtinfo.ch"
> proc main()
>    altd()
>    cls

remove it, it will only force unnecessary console creation which
will be overwritten in a while.

>    hb_setCodePage( "PL852" )
>    hb_setTermCP( "PL852" )   
>    SetMode(40,25)

Maybe try to set sth smaller, i.e.

>    For  i = 6 To 18
>     hb_gtInfo( HB_GTI_FONTSIZE, i )
>     ? "Fontsize"
>     ? Str(i) + "Test : abcdefgh ABCDEFGH" 
>     ? "Test : "ĄĆĘŁŃÓŚŹŻąćęłńóśźż" // polish characters like in attachment
>     ? "rows =", ltrim( str( maxrow() + 1 ) )
>     ? "cols =", ltrim( str( maxcol() + 1 ) )
>     inkey( 0 )
>     clear
>    Next 
>    Quit
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> 1.I don't see any difference between each size from 6 to 18 (see
> attachment).

So probably default font "Courier New" exists only in given size
try to use different font, i.e. "system", "times", "arial", ...
Check which fonts you have installed.
It's also possible that the size is not accepted without given width
so you can try to change both, i.e.
      hb_gtInfo( HB_GTI_FONTWIDTH, i / 2 )
      hb_gtInfo( HB_GTI_FONTSIZE, i )
AFAIR in Windows CP also reduce font selection and has very high
priority. By default it OEM_CHARSET=255, you can try to change it
to DEFAULT_CHARSET=1 or ANSI_CHARSET=0 before you try to select font,
      hb_gtInfo( HB_GTI_CODEPAGE, 1 )
      hb_gtInfo( HB_GTI_CODEPAGE, 0 )

> 2.App's window is not on 'full screen'

It does not have to. It depends on font high/width and number of
rows and cols.

> 3.Windows Keyboard is visible on bottom of screen

AFAIK it depends on WinCE settings.

> 4.In string "Test : abcdefgh ABCDEFGH" char 'H' is cut

Probably console window is bigger then your screen.

> 5.Not exists any kerning

Such things depends on selected font.

best regards,
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