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2009/8/26 Jaroslaw Kadziola <kadzi...@tlen.pl>:
> Hi,
> PC> I cannot say it's your WinCE feature or some side effect of current 
> console
> PC> window style. It was working for me in the initial version with PocketPC
> PC> emulator. Anyhow each time you are changing font then window is centered
> PC> by GTWVT code so maybe you wrote about this. Try to move some very small
> PC> window.
> Yes , window is centered each time when i'm changing font width/size
> but not possible to move it to top of screen - only to bottom section
> of top windows' beam.
>>> PC> Probably console window is bigger then your screen.
>>> See : 
>>> http://picasaweb.google.pl/jarek.kadziola/WCEHarbour#5374138186497933314
>>> when i'm "taking" window for top beam and
>>> little move from right to left (refresh ??) then char 'H' is good
> PC> Now I can see what you are talking about. This is bad side effect of wrong
> PC> font dimensions. Such things you should be able to tune using
> PC> HB_GTI_FONTWIDTH / HB_GTI_FONTSIZE of course it font has correct metrics.
> PC> I've just commited:
> PC>    2009-08-26 11:16 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
> PC>      * harbour/source/rtl/gtwvt/gtwvt.c
> PC>        ! fixed runtime font modification
> Bingo! At last i see differences ! I'll upload any pictures to google
> but later . Thanks a lot.
> --
> Regards,
>  Jaroslaw Kadziola
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