Viktor Szakáts wrote:
What is hbmk_oprewl.c?
It's a .c stub created under a few circumstances, typically when
you override default GT using -gt option.
It's normal, and the generated .c file should be automatically
deleted on hbmk2 exit.
OK, I understand and, yes, it is deleted.
For larger apps (where -inc also makes sense) I suggest to use some
better method to override GT. The regular ANNOUNCE/REQUEST method
will do it perfectly.
[ maybe I'll address this once in the future, but I believe the
-gt option is really meant for small apps. ]
The -gt option was in hwgui.hbc, and now I have removed it, it behaves as I
would like.
BTW current hbmk2 version got so many features compared to the
initial plans that it *is* now a proper make replacement.
So I see.
I'd be interested in the followup of the first problems you've
reported in your first mail. Maybe it's something that could be
fixed in hbmk2.
Sorry, I did send one but I think it was stopped by mailman, may I send it to
you direct (it is ~116k)? The text of the e-mail is attached below.
Blocked e-mail:
Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Sorry it's not clear where 0x8 char was. I cannot replicate it either.
> Could you post full log + cmdline + MSVC version no. ?
> What is the base path you running the build process?
>> C:\Users\Alex\AppData\Local\Temp\hbmk_sj1o73.rc(4) : error RC2135 :
>> file not found:
>> C:\Users hex8 lex\SourceForge\harbour-2.0.0dev\package\harbour.ico
" hex8 " should be replaced by 0x8 (you should be able to see it better in the
attached log.
My script is :
set HB_VER=2.0.0dev
set HB_COMPILER=msvc
set SVNPATH=C:\users\alex\sourceforge
set INSTALLPATH=C:\users\alex
set WindowsSDKDir=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\
call "%VS90COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat"
call make_gnu.bat %1 %2 > log-%HB_COMPILER%.txt 2>&1
if "%1" == "install" goto INSTALL
goto END
rem copy %HB_SVNPATH%\contrib\xhb\ %HB_INSTALL_PREFIX%\include
rem copy %HB_SVNPATH%\contrib\xhb\ %HB_INSTALL_PREFIX%\include
rem copy %HB_SVNPATH%\contrib\xhb\ %HB_INSTALL_PREFIX%\include
which I run:
C:\Users\Alex\SourceForge>mkharbour install
I have attached log-msvc.txt. Note that the only problem is with the harbour.ico
file, no showstopper.
MSVC is VS2005.
> I need more info on those .c files, were they named hbmk_*.c?
> What is the cmdline, hbmk output?
I cannot duplicate this, so please put it out of your mind, and only bring it
back if someone has a similar issue.
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