To Viktor
1. Whenever I compile, it will call the compiler for a temporary .c file as
Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 x86 tools.
hbmk: Processing configuration: C:\users\alex\harbour-2.0.0dev\bin\hbmk.cfg
hbmk: Compiling...
hbmk: C compiler command:
cl.exe -nologo -c -Gs -Ot2b1 -Fo.hbmk\win\msvc\ -I"C:\users\alex\harbour-2.0.0d
ev\include" -I"C:\users\alex\hwgui-2.0.0dev\include" C:\Users\Alex\AppData\Local
hbmk: Linking... easipos.exe
What is hbmk_oprewl.c?
2. When using -inc and no changes are made, then no .prg or .c files are
compiled (well, except the phantom one above), but it does link again. Is this
expected? I know it is not supposed to be a make replacement - and yet the -inc
mode works so well,
I have disabled my use of ActiveX temporarily and my app starts up beautifully.
Thank you again for all the hard work. The .hbp file is so much simpler than all
of my old .mak and .cf files.
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