1. Whenever I compile, it will call the compiler for a temporary .c
file as below.
Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 x86 tools.
hbmk: Processing configuration: C:\users\alex\harbour-2.0.0dev\bin
hbmk: Compiling...
hbmk: C compiler command:
cl.exe -nologo -c -Gs -Ot2b1 -Fo.hbmk\win\msvc\ -I"C:\users\alex
ev\include" -I"C:\users\alex\hwgui-2.0.0dev\include" C:\Users\Alex
hbmk: Linking... easipos.exe
What is hbmk_oprewl.c?
It's a .c stub created under a few circumstances, typically when
you override default GT using -gt option.
It's normal, and the generated .c file should be automatically
deleted on hbmk2 exit.
2. When using -inc and no changes are made, then no .prg or .c files
are compiled (well, except the phantom one above), but it does link
again. Is this expected? I know it is not supposed to be a make
replacement - and yet the -inc mode works so well,
-gt ignites creation of temp .c stub, which is always newer than
target, so the target will be rebuilt on every run.
For larger apps (where -inc also makes sense) I suggest to use some
better method to override GT. The regular ANNOUNCE/REQUEST method
will do it perfectly.
[ maybe I'll address this once in the future, but I believe the
-gt option is really meant for small apps. ]
BTW current hbmk2 version got so many features compared to the
initial plans that it *is* now a proper make replacement.
I have disabled my use of ActiveX temporarily and my app starts up
beautifully. Thank you again for all the hard work. The .hbp file is
so much simpler than all of my old .mak and .cf files.
Nice to hear that :)
I'd be interested in the followup of the first problems you've
reported in your first mail. Maybe it's something that could be
fixed in hbmk2.
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