Thanks Przemek:
>It's not related to Watcom because also needs such trick so I
>guess it's the problem with GNU make port.
Before does not fail with make376, but as we want to discard make376
then we must to put to work with make381
>I also looks like make problem.
>Try to replace:
> LD_RULE = $(link_exe_file) $(HB_USER_LDFLAGS)
> empty:=
> space:= $(empty) $(empty)
> comma:= ,
> LDFILES = $(subst $(space),$(comma) ,$(^F))
> LDLIBS = $(subst $(space),$(comma) ,$(strip $(LINKLIBS) $(RDDLIBS)
> ifneq ($(LDLIBS),)
> endif
>It should help.
It work fine
Now Harbour build / run with OpenWatcom 1.8
50 .lib files, same number as gcc .a files
I think you will add your two changes to os2\
Below are all warnings raised with OpenWatcom, selected from 3001 lines
of make_ow.log
David Macias
Building hbpp.exe:
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_initRules_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_tokenGet_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_new_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_free_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_init_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_reset_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_addSearchPath_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_setStdBase_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_initDynDefines_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_readRules_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_inBuffer_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_inFile_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_outFile_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_traceFile_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_lasterror_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_errorCount_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_fileName_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_line_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_lineTot_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_outFileName_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_traceFileName_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_eof_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_addDefine_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_delDefine_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_setStream_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_nextLine_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_parseLine_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_lexNew_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_lexGet_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_tokenNextExp_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_tokenUpper_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_tokenToString_' ignored.
Warning! Duplicate symbol 'hb_pp_tokenBlockString_' ignored.
rm hbpp.obj
../../../hbproces.c(902): Warning! W014: col(1) no reference to symbol
../../../hbproces.c(897): Note! N392: col(8) definition: 'int TODO' in
'unsigned long hb_fsProcessClose( int, unsigned long )'
../../../hbsocket.c(2272): Warning! W014: col(1) no reference to symbol
../../../hbsocket.c(2265): Note! N392: col(8) definition: 'int TODO' in
'int hb_socketSetBlockingIO( int, unsigned long )'
tlabel.c(548): Warning! W013: col(18) unreachable code
treport.c(1153): Warning! W013: col(18) unreachable code
../../../../thread.c(781): Warning! W869: col(25) use of '_beginthread'
requires build target to be multi-threaded
DAVID: OpenWatcom switch -bm not used yet
As you remember it make execution slow
dbjoin.c(188): Warning! W013: col(18) unreachable code
dblist.c(198): Warning! W013: col(18) unreachable code
dbsort.c(101): Warning! W013: col(18) unreachable code
dbstrux.c(147): Warning! W013: col(18) unreachable code
dbstrux.c(311): Warning! W013: col(18) unreachable code
dbtotal.c(420): Warning! W013: col(18) unreachable code
dbupdat.c(147): Warning! W013: col(18) unreachable code
../../../zutil.c(37): Warning! W369: col(13) selection expression in
switch statement is a constant value
../../../zutil.c(43): Warning! W369: col(13) selection expression in
switch statement is a constant value
../../../zutil.c(49): Warning! W369: col(13) selection expression in
switch statement is a constant value
../../../zutil.c(55): Warning! W369: col(13) selection expression in
switch statement is a constant value
..\..\..\hpdf_fontdef_tt.c(2109): Warning! W136: Comparison equivalent
to 'unsigned == 0'
..\..\..\hpdf_image_png.c(195): Warning! W124: Comparison result always 1
..\..\..\hpdf_image_png.c(257): Warning! W124: Comparison result always 1
..\..\..\hpdf_list.c(56): Warning! W136: Comparison equivalent to
'unsigned == 0'
..\..\..\hpdf_page_operator.c(2563): Warning! W136: Comparison
equivalent to 'unsigned == 0'
..\..\..\hpdf_pages.c(1509): Warning! W136: Comparison equivalent to
'unsigned == 0'
..\..\..\hpdf_streams.c(984): Warning! W136: Comparison equivalent to
'unsigned == 0'
..\..\..\hpdf_u3d.c(589): Warning! W131: No prototype found for function
..\..\..\hpdf_utils.c(125): Warning! W124: Comparison result always 0
..\..\..\sqlite3.c(19220): Warning! W136: Comparison equivalent to
'unsigned == 0'
..\..\..\sqlite3.c(20798): Warning! W102: Type mismatch (warning)
..\..\..\sqlite3.c(20798): Note! N2003: source conversion type is 'void
*(*)(struct sqlite3_vfs *__p1,void *__p2,char const *__p3)'
..\..\..\sqlite3.c(20798): Note! N2004: target conversion type is 'void
(*(*)(struct sqlite3_vfs *__p1,void *__p2,char const *__p3))(void )'
..\..\..\sqlite3.c(42084): Warning! W136: Comparison equivalent to
'unsigned == 0'
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