>Any followup on the GNU Make problems?
>I'd like to ask you to tweak .cf file parts enclosed
>between 'ifeq ($(HB_SHELL),os2)' / 'endif'. You can find two
>of these, one in, and one other in,
>These are responsible for dir creation, setting up commands,
>copying, etc.
I checked both and and I do not see any problem so
my suspects are about rules for hbpp.a, hbpp.exe
For hbpp.exe fail but not for harbour.exe, hbrun.exe, hbtest.exe, ...
For hbpp.exe are missing ..\..\bin\os2 review/creation, as shown in
make -C pp
make[2]: Entering directory `E:/harbour907c/harbour/source/pp'
[E:\harbour907c\harbour\source\pp]if not exist obj mkdir obj
[E:\harbour907c\harbour\source\pp]if not exist obj\os2 mkdir obj\os2
[E:\harbour907c\harbour\source\pp]if not exist obj\os2\gcc mkdir
[E:\harbour907c\harbour\source\pp]if not exist ..\..\lib\os2 mkdir
[E:\harbour907c\harbour\source\pp]if not exist ..\..\lib\os2\gcc mkdir
[E:\harbour907c\harbour\source\pp]if not exist ..\..\bin\os2\gcc mkdir
make -C main
make[2]: Entering directory `E:/harbour907c/harbour/source/main'
[E:\harbour907c\harbour\source\main]if not exist obj mkdir obj
[E:\harbour907c\harbour\source\main]if not exist obj\os2 mkdir obj\os2
[E:\harbour907c\harbour\source\main]if not exist obj\os2\gcc mkdir
[E:\harbour907c\harbour\source\main]if not exist ..\..\bin\os2 mkdir
[E:\harbour907c\harbour\source\main]if not exist ..\..\bin\os2\gcc mkdir
>BTW, I've found a GNU Make 3.81 different from your builds,
>maybe you can give it a go and we can include it in SVN, if
>it works out okay. This way that we'd only need to concentrate
>on one GNU Make version.
>I've uploaded it here (along with some GNU tools, which may
>also help creating rules):
26/05/06 9:03p 115,200 0 a--- make.exe381
26/05/06 8:49p 241,668 0 a--- make.exevszakats
As you can see date are same but size are very different and both report
same version message
A fresh Harbour build with both make.exe show exactly same behaviour and
I discarded tests with make376 due problems with inner dir separators as
explained earlier
Is time to discard make376 and use only make381.
But which of both ? :-)
If you plan to include in SVN then the smallest
( Contained in make-3_81-r2-bin file from )
About cp.exe, mkdir.exe, mv.exe, rm.exe, they appear in differents
points in my installation but there are not used
See below
19/03/06 11:16a 104,432 0 a--- os2-cp.exe
19/03/06 11:16a 18,145 0 a--- os2-mkdir.exe
19/03/06 11:16a 113,044 0 a--- os2-mv.exe
19/03/06 11:16a 91,590 0 a--- os2-rm.exe
26/05/06 8:49p 241,668 0 a--- os2-make.exe
I suggest to continue using OS/2 commands in place of these GNU Tools,
except make.exe (3.81)
David Macias
The volume label in drive E is ECS20RC6A.
The Volume Serial Number is 2A6C:2415.
Directory of E:\BUILDENV20071022\bin
18/03/06 7:46p 104,432 124 a--- cp.exe
1 file(s) 104,432 bytes used
Directory of E:\BUILDENV20071022\moztools
16/06/99 11:10a 15,382 49 a--- cp.exe
1 file(s) 15,382 bytes used
Directory of E:\ecs\KLIBC\bin
23/11/07 2:28p 127,876 0 a--- cp.exe
1 file(s) 127,876 bytes used
Directory of E:\moztools
16/06/99 10:10a 15,382 49 a--- cp.exe
1 file(s) 15,382 bytes used
The volume label in drive E is ECS20RC6A.
The Volume Serial Number is 2A6C:2415.
Directory of E:\BUILDENV20071022\bin
18/03/06 7:46p 18,145 124 a--- mkdir.exe
1 file(s) 18,145 bytes used
Directory of E:\BUILDENV20071022\moztools
16/06/99 11:10a 4,118 49 a--- mkdir.exe
1 file(s) 4,118 bytes used
Directory of E:\moztools
16/06/99 10:10a 4,118 49 a--- mkdir.exe
1 file(s) 4,118 bytes used
Total files listed:
3 file(s) 26,381 bytes used
3,325,524 K bytes free
The volume label in drive E is ECS20RC6A.
The Volume Serial Number is 2A6C:2415.
Directory of E:\BUILDENV20071022\bin
18/03/06 7:46p 113,044 124 a--- mv.exe
1 file(s) 113,044 bytes used
Directory of E:\BUILDENV20071022\moztools
16/06/99 11:10a 8,214 49 a--- mv.exe
1 file(s) 8,214 bytes used
Directory of E:\ecs\KLIBC\bin
23/11/07 2:28p 139,708 0 a--- mv.exe
1 file(s) 139,708 bytes used
Directory of E:\moztools
16/06/99 10:10a 8,214 49 a--- mv.exe
1 file(s) 8,214 bytes used
Total files listed:
4 file(s) 269,180 bytes used
3,325,524 K bytes free
The volume label in drive E is ECS20RC6A.
The Volume Serial Number is 2A6C:2415.
Directory of E:\BUILDENV20071022\bin
18/03/06 7:46p 91,590 124 a--- rm.exe
1 file(s) 91,590 bytes used
Directory of E:\BUILDENV20071022\moztools
16/06/99 11:10a 7,190 49 a--- rm.exe
1 file(s) 7,190 bytes used
Directory of E:\ecs\KLIBC\bin
23/11/07 2:28p 108,442 0 a--- rm.exe
1 file(s) 108,442 bytes used
Directory of E:\moztools
16/06/99 10:10a 7,190 49 a--- rm.exe
1 file(s) 7,190 bytes used
Total files listed:
4 file(s) 214,412 bytes used
3,325,524 K bytes free
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