> .mo are gettext compatible compiled .po files. I plan to add support
> for native gettext usage and in such case it will use .mo files by
> gettext API resepcting domain names and .mo file localization (it's
> strictly defined), etc.
> In summary.
> I'll add support for .mo files as alternative i18n module which will use
> internally gettext library respecting all gettext rules. In some cases
> users may find it as important extension and use it instead of our own
> i18n formats but I do not think that it's good idea to hack .mo files and
> use them as holder for translations without strict respecting all gettext
> rules but with our own ones which will make them usable in non *nix
> environments.

I see, and many thanks for your answer. The only reason I'd personally
need .mo files is to free up .hbl as an extension, so for me, especially
after reading your description about .mo properties/restrictions, this
feature don't seem very high on the priority list, if we cannot do a full
switch to it (and we can't that's for sure).

>>> [ BTW2: hbi18n won't allow .po extension in -m operation, it
>> will automatically change it to .pot.
> AFAIK it respects any extensions when -o <filename> is used and does not
> add any new one or overwrite existing if <filename> already has extension.
> It only forces .pot extension when there is no -o option.
> I planed to ask about default extension for merged .pot files (.pot or .po)
> preferred by Harbour developers/users and I even marked it in the hb18n help
> info as .po_ but I simply forgot about it. As I can see the ".po_" is still
> in the usage screen so we should decide about it.

My vote is a definite .po.

Otherwise thanks for the -o tip, with it it works as expected.
I need it to update / compile hbmk2 .po files.

These are the batches if someone is interested in translating hbmk2:

--- i18n_make_hbl.bat
..\..\bin\hbi18n.exe -g -ohbmk2.hu_HU.hbl hbmk2.hu_HU.po
..\..\bin\hbi18n.exe -g -ohbmk2.pt_BR.hbl hbmk2.pt_BR.po

--- i18n_upd_po.bat
..\..\bin\harbour.exe hbmk2.prg /jhbmk2.pot /i..\..\include /s
..\..\bin\hbi18n.exe -ohbmk2.hu_HU.po -m hbmk2.hu_HU.po hbmk2.pot
..\..\bin\hbi18n.exe -ohbmk2.pt_BR.po -m hbmk2.pt_BR.po hbmk2.pot
del hbmk2.pot

--- i18n_rebuild_po.bat
..\..\bin\harbour.exe hbmk2.prg /jhbmk2.pot /i..\..\include /s
..\..\bin\hbi18n.exe -a hbmk2.pot hbmk2.hu_HU.po -ohbmk2.hu_HU.po
..\..\bin\hbi18n.exe -a hbmk2.pot hbmk2.pt_BR.po -ohbmk2.pt_BR.po
del hbmk2.pot

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