2009/4/10 Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu>:
> Yes, but the instructions has changed since:
> ---
> Hi All,
> I've updated the unified release to the latest Harbour version, and
> this time with only one package which, hopefully will fit most
> users' needs:
> http://www.syenar.hu/harbour/harbour-11-win-20090408.7z (48MB)
> http://www.syenar.hu/harbour/harbour-11-win-20090408.exe (50MB)
> Installed size: 168MB (40MB - 314MB)
> It contains all components of former 'full' package, with some more
> fine grained control and without mingw64/mingwce embedded
> versions to keep size down.
If possible i vote for having also a version with mingw64/mingwce embedded

> Tools/libs used to create the package:
> MinGW 4.3.3, MinGW64 4.4.0, MinGWCE 4.1.0, BCC 5.5.1, Open Watcom 1.8,
> MSVC 2008, Pelles C 5.00.1, ace 9.10, allegro 4.2.2, blat 2.6.2, libcurl
> 7.19.3,
> firebird 2.1.1, freeimage 3.11.0, gd 2.0.34, mysql 5.0.67, openssl 0.9.8j,
> pgsql 8.3.3, qt 4.5.0 (2009.01)
If possible i vote for include also ace client in version 8.1 & 7.1
because version 9 is incompatible with ads server of previous release,
istead if use ace client v7 you can connect to server v8 and v9
you can find here http://devzone.advantagedatabase.com/dz/content.aspx?key=20

I have found a mingw distrubution at http://tdragon.net/recentgcc/

> Feedback is welcome, I plan to make this the default format for the next
> official release for Windows/Windows CE platforms.

> Brgds,
> Viktor
> [ Note: Some of the size growth is attributed to hbqt lib, especially
> with MSVC, which is C++ and huge. It's not a problem, but please
> keep this in mind when comparing size to prev versions. ]
I think that for most user this distribution is very usefull
Thanks Victor

Massimo Belgrano
Harbour mailing list

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