Yes, but the instructions has changed since:
Hi All,
I've updated the unified release to the latest Harbour version, and
this time with only one package which, hopefully will fit most
users' needs: (48MB) (50MB)
Installed size: 168MB (40MB - 314MB)

It contains all components of former 'full' package, with some more
fine grained control and without mingw64/mingwce embedded
versions to keep size down. Now there is a README with links and
short instructions how to get these tools from official locations.

The default installation will install MinGW compiler + x86 static and
shared libs, MSVC and BCC x86 libs and examples.

Options: x86 shared tools, x64 shared tools, MinGW x64 and WinCE-ARM libs,
MSVC x64 libs, Open Watcom x86 libs, Pelles C x86/x64/WinCE-ARM libs,
shared x64/WinCE-ARM libs.

1) install/unpack to any directory (C:\harbour-11)
2) go to bin dir (optional if you specify path for hbmk2)
3) For x86 executable type: 'hbmk2 ../tests/hello.prg'
4) For x64 executable type: 'hbmk2 ../tests/hello.prg -comp=mingw64'
5) For WinCE/ARM executable type: 'hbmk2 ../tests/hello.prg -comp=mingwarm'

Tools/libs used to create the package:
MinGW 4.3.3, MinGW64 4.4.0, MinGWCE 4.1.0, BCC 5.5.1, Open Watcom 1.8,
MSVC 2008, Pelles C 5.00.1, ace 9.10, allegro 4.2.2, blat 2.6.2, libcurl
firebird 2.1.1, freeimage 3.11.0, gd 2.0.34, mysql 5.0.67, openssl 0.9.8j,
pgsql 8.3.3, qt 4.5.0 (2009.01)

Feedback is welcome, I plan to make this the default format for the next
official release for Windows/Windows CE platforms.


[ Note: Some of the size growth is attributed to hbqt lib, especially
with MSVC, which is C++ and huge. It's not a problem, but please
keep this in mind when comparing size to prev versions. ]

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 4:07 PM, Massimo Belgrano <>wrote:

> I suggest try the Viktor's way
> 1) unpack to any directory (C:\hb-1.1.0dev)
> 2) go to bin dir (optional if you specify path for hbmk2
> 5) For WinCE/ARM executable type: 'hbmk2 ../tests/hello.prg -comp=mingwce'
> --------------------------------------------
> Hi All,
> I've made available a unified and self-contained Windows release
> package, which is able to create x86, x64, WinCE/ARM executables
> (both shared and static) out of the box without the need of any
> external tools or settings.
> Download:
> (size: 136MB)
> To use:
> 1) unpack to any directory (C:\hb-1.1.0dev)
> 2) go to bin dir (optional if you specify path for hbmk2)
> 3) For x86 executable type: 'hbmk2 ../tests/hello.prg'
>  4) For x64 executable type: 'hbmk2 ../tests/hello.prg -comp=mingw64'
> 5) For WinCE/ARM executable type: 'hbmk2 ../tests/hello.prg -comp=mingwce'
> The package also contains Harbour libraries to build MSVC 2008,
> Open Watcom 1.8 and Borland C 5.5.1 executables. For these,
> you need to have these compilers installed on your computer. The libs
> will automatically be picked by hbmk2.
> The package contains MinGW 4.3.3, MinGW 4.4.0 for x64 and
> MinGW 4.1.0 for ARM/CE embedded.
> I've used 7-Zip instead of .zip, because it cut the archive size by
> a factor of 2-3. If this package will get good reception I may add
> installer with de-selectable x64, WinCE and additional target libs.
> While it takes significant amount of time to assemble such package,
> nevertheless IMO it should be the definitive and official release
> methods instead of the separate compiler/CPU target specific
> packages we offer for 1.0.1.
> Following external dependencies were used to build corresponding
> Harbour libs:
> ace 9.10
> allegro 4.2.2
> blat 2.6.2
> libcurl 7.19.3
> firebird 2.1.1
> freeimage 3.11.0
> gd 2.0.34
> mysql 5.0.67
> openssl 0.9.8j
> pgsql 8.3.3
> qt 4.5.0 (2009.01)
> Brgds,
> Viktor
> 2009/4/10 Alejandro de Garate <>
>>  A potencially (spanish speaking) user wants to know if could be possible
>> to make aplications for Windows Mobile 5 using Harbour ?
>> He have a cell phone (mobil) Motorola Q.
>> I have no idea about that matter, can anyone answer him ?
>> regards
>> Alejandro
>> ---
>> From: ken_torrealba AT hotmail DOT com
>> To:
>> Subject: Sobre Harbour
>> Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 04:44:10 -0400
>> ---
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> --
> Massimo Belgrano
> Analisi e sviluppo software per Lan e Web - Consulenza informatica -
> Formazione
> Delta Informatica S.r.l.   +39 0321 455962
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