Hello Przemek

Przemyslaw Czerpak-2 wrote:
> GTXWC internally uses bitmap with the whole screen contents
> so expose messages are served as simple coping from the internal
> screen image to real screen.

This is exactly what I am doing to GTWVG.

> I guess you want to make the same in GTWVT/GTWVG plus change
> save/rest screen methods to operate on bitmaps instead of
> character buffers.
> Am I right?
> Or maybe you are thinking about sth different?

Save/RestScreens() is untouched and offers the same functionality
as before. It is just the transfer of screen image in a bitmap to 
real screen. As any more elements can be placed on a bitmap, i.e.,
GUI elements, it is a logical way to do so.

> Please note that using CTWin like API in practice eliminates
> SAVESCREEN/RESTSCREEN making the whole code much simpler.
> GTWVW was addressing this aspect.

I never used CTWIN so cannot comment. GTWVW is aimed 
as you described but with a different approach.

> As long as user does not try to manipulate the contents of
> the screen buffer returned by savescreen then it should not
> cause any problems. Anyhow some window oriented GTs like
> CTWIN will not work correctly because they use own itenral
> buffers which are character oriented. They will have to be
> modified to work with bit map screen buffers what is not easy
> job but it's possible. Though probably it will be easier to
> leave CTW as is and create new similar GT for GTWVG and other
> GTs which will operate on bitmaps.

I am not touching SaveScreen() and restScreen() so it will bot be 
a problem at all.

> I think that many people will find it as very interesting.
> I use Windows Harbour builds very seldom so I'm not good person to
> answer but looking at xharbour.news I'm finding that many people are
> intersting in GTWVW port.

I also think so. But as I am not a user of GTWVW, I cannot port 
it as is. Rather I will port the concept in GTWVW.

Pritpal Bedi
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