On Wednesday 18 February 2009 21:09:59 Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Hi all,
> After rechecking the situation with gtcrs, gtsln,
> I'd like to ask group whether we could move
> these two GTs to the contrib area.
> The reasons are:
> 1) Dependency on optional external libs,
>     with the same issues our contribs have to deal with,
>     but managed by other means, special
>     switches and envvars all deepely embedded
>     into the make system. Most of this could
>     be easily standardized if these would be
>     simple contribs.
There is not reason to do that, these GT's are part of the *nix builds.

> 2) Both seems to be superseded by gttrm.

gttrm, gtcrs, gtsln are independent on each other, so there is none similarity 
between them.

> [ We can also apply the methods used for
> contribs in their current location, and I plan
> to do this to clean these obscure parts of
> the make system. hbmk would also

IMO the scripts are ok.

> integrate much better if these two wouldn't
> be such exceptions as they currently are. ]
> What do you think?

best regards,


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