
yes! with fm statistics off it works wonderfully :)

Thanks so much.


Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Sep 2008, Maurilio Longo wrote:
> Hi Maurilio,
>> I'm not completely sure I do understand the way the pre-loading of the stack
>> gets done, but I think it ends up in creating a variable in every C function
>> which needs access to the stack.
> Exactly.
>> Now,
>> int f()
>> {
>> }
>> becomes (more or less)
>> int f()
>> {
>>   PULONG hb_stack_ptr = hb_tls_get( hb_stack_key );
>> }
>> where hb_stack_key is an index in win32 but the real memory address in OS/2.
>> So, when in win32 you call TlsGetValue( hb_stack_key ) you ask for the 
>> content
>> of that slot of memory, but when you call DosAllocThreadLocalMemory( 1, &k ),
>> 1 means you need a single DWORD, &k will contain the address of that DWORD
>> which is local to your thread.
> Yes it is. Read my message to David. It will not give noticeable speed
> difference in OS2 because it only safes one memory access. Just like
> in my Linux box where I can use C compiler TLS support.
>> So, when every function calls hb_tls_get() in OS/2, you simply get back what
>> you passed to it,
> Exactly.
>> which is not the original pointer you got with
>> DosAllocThreadLocalMemory() since the first call did not save it somewhere.
> No, it saved it. It's done in hb_stackInit() which should be the first
> function whichop operates on allocated TLM. Then it's safe to call
> But I think you just help me to find the reason of problem.
>> Maybe I'm just confused by too many macros and I'm simply missing the real 
>> way
>>  in which this should work, but after a few hours looking at this problem I
>> cannot understand what is not working.
>> Can you please confirm what I've said or explain to me how pre-loading is
>> intended to work?
> I think that the problem is caused by hb_xgrab(). You probably uses memory
> statistics enabled in your Harbour builds and David disabled them and
> this is the reason why it works for him but not for you. I think that
> if you recompile Harbour with -DHB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF then it will work
> Just simply I made a typo in hb_stackBaseProcInfo() which is called by
> memory statistic module from hb_xgrab() which is used before HVM starts
> to register .prg modules. HB_STACK_TLS_PRELOAD should be used _after_
> hb_stack_ready() in this function. I'll commit fix in a while.
> Thank you very much for your help.
> best regards,
> Przemek
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