Hi Przemyslaw,

is hbrun mt ready? I was trying to use it to run mt\mttestxx but I get errors,
sometimes, like this:

(E:\repository\harbour-svn\tests\mt)\harbour\bin\hbrun mttest01.prg

Harbour 1.1.0dev (Rev. 9479)
Error BASE/3012  Argument error: HB_THREADJOIN
Called from HB_THREADJOIN(0)
Called from MAIN(25)
Called from HB_HRBRUN(0)
Called from _APPMAIN(109)

(E:\repository\harbour-svn\tests\mt)\harbour\bin\hbrun mttest04.prg

Harbour 1.1.0dev (Rev. 9479)
Main start
Starting threads: <1><2><3><4><5>
Wait 5 seconds or hit any key...
Waiting for threads...
Error BASE/3012  Argument error: HB_THREADJOIN
Called from HB_THREADJOIN(0)
Called from (b)MAIN(48)
Called from AEVAL(0)
Called from MAIN(48)
Called from HB_HRBRUN(0)
Called from _APPMAIN(109)

Other tests, like 02, 03 seem to work.


PS.I was using hbrun because there is ready way to run tests inside tests\ dir
(on OS/2 at least).

|  |  | |__| Maurilio Longo
|_|_|_|____| farmaconsult s.r.l.

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