
I've reverted my svn copy to revision 9476, just before your last change, and
I can run every test in tests\mt without problems (rebuilding hbrun with mt vm).

So it has to be something related to your last change.


Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Sep 2008, Maurilio Longo wrote:
> Hi Maurilio,
>> I did the change to the makefile, I get an immediate SIGSEGV simply starting
>> hbrun.
>> (E:\repository\harbour-svn\tests)\harbour\bin\hbrun mt\mttest01.prg
>> Killed by SIGSEGV
>> pid=0x7e87 ppid=0x0253 tid=0x0001 slot=0x00b2 pri=0x0200 mc=0x0001
>> HBRUN 0:00026f26
>> cs:eip=005b:00036f26      ss:esp=0053:022afe50      ebp=022afe58
>>  ds=0053      es=0053      fs=150b      gs=0000     efl=00010212
>> eax=00000000 ebx=026001c0 ecx=00000000 edx=0260013c edi=0001028f esi=00000028
>> Process dumping was disabled, use DUMPPROC / PROCDUMP to enable it.
>> The same if I try to build any of the test programs inside tests\ using 
>> hvmmt.
> Then there is probably sth wrong with your build.
> I would like to wait for David's confirmation with
> current SVN code. It's possible that the problem
> is caused by some stupid typo in today modifications
> for speed improvement. But if not and it works for David
> then it has to be sth local to OS2-GCC builds and I'm
> afraid that it will be out of my knowledge to resolve
> the problem. You know much more about OS2.
> For sure it works for me in Linux and W32 cross builds.
> BTW today I committed modification with TLS preloading.
> If you synced SVN then you should make clean build 
> best regards,
> Przemek
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