On Thursday 11 September 2008 03:47:23 am Massimo Belgrano wrote:

> Your aproach seem very old

It's very secure. There are huge numbers of static web sites on the internet 
for this very reason. Slashdot.net. Woot.com. NewYorkTimes.com All static. 

Thousands of big sites are static.

> We can host out of your website  the cms

Aparrently you have a problem understanding that a CMS is NOT going to be 
hosted out of my server and that we have already made the decision to use 
static html. If you don't want to follow the decisions we are making here 
then we will find someone else to do the work.

Since this project was started, I have spent approximately $12,000 dollars to 
keep that server running. (about $1,500 a year plus hardware) Of course, not 
only for Harbour, but it's no small investment and I'm not going to risk it 
because you want something easy. I have many other sites on the server. Most 
of them are donated and the owners of the site pay me nothing for them, like 

I have seen this server become compromised in the past, the last time for 
Italian Porn. It was a Mambo CMS site, a CopperMine photo gallery and a 
geekweb site that led to the last three compromises. A site with static pages 
has never had a single problem.

Every time this happens I lose a week or two rebuilding the server and 
restoring over 100 sites and over 2000 mailboxes to operational status. I 
will do that again when I have to, but I'm not looking forward to it and I 
work hard at keeping it running smooth so I don't have to do that kind of 
work and wasted time.

But it's not just about my server. It's about our reputation. Every day, every 
server on the internet is attacked for vulnerability to the extent of 
thousands of attempts at breaking in each day. If you put vulnerable software 
on the internet eventually someone will take advantage of it. And CMS systems 
have been the very worst offenders offering dozens of easy vulnerabilities 
every year.

Static web pages have none of these problems and the server spends about 
1/100th of the processing and disk space resources to serve web pages.  
Static web pages come up very fast and are very secure against attack and 
cracking attempts.

Please let me know now if you are going to work with us in this way so I can 
advertise for a replacment if necessary.

Harbour Project Manager

"Ninety percent of politicians give the other 10 percent a bad name." -- Henry 
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