On Mon, 04 Aug 2008, Szakáts Viktor wrote:

Hi Viktor,

> Maybe we could do something to make this fact clear, or temply
> suppress them via some methods, as this is a reoccurring report,
> and it used mislead those who don't know the problem in detail.
> One option is to add an item to TODO, fix the warnings,
> with a TOFIX note in the code.

I've just added TOFIX note into genhrb.c and pacified this warning.
When I will work on new .hrb and .hrl format I'll clean it.

> >The obj32 code is different problem. It should has to be fixed or
> >disabled in default builds before we release 1.0.
> I'd vote to disable it.

OK, I'll make it but I hope someone in the future will finish
this code so I'll cover it by a macro - it will be easier to
work on this code and restore the functionality in the future.

> Also, if we're at it, we have hbmake and hbdoc, shouldn't
> we do something with these, like moving them to examples?

If you can please do it.

best regards,
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