On Sat, 07 Jun 2008, Lorenzo Fiorini wrote:
> What I'd like to get is a way to concatenate a string that comes from
> a TEXT INTO with a var without having to break the TEX INTO in several
> places or using strtran.

OK, but why? What's wrong with strtran()? Such string dividing means
that you will have to inform PP where you want to introduce your own
code. In practice it means that it will be necessary to have some
well known markers in the text just like for strtran() so finally
you will not reach too much. The same but written in different way.
Can you try to create expected by you PP command for some small but
real example. It will be easier to talk about it.
If you do not like series of strtran() calls and you want to use only
single function call then we can make new function which can substitute
more then one pattern or we can create some regex function for it, f.e.

best regards,
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