Can the PP break a TEXT INTO <x> in several concatenations using a given marker?

This is the case:

function detail_info( oCgi )

   local cContent

   TEXT INTO cContent

   <table class="infomnu_tb">
      <tr class="infomnu_tbr">
         <td class="info_btn" onclick="javascript:show_menu(
'$%cAppId%$', '$%cDiv%$', 'DTCLAN', 'false', 'false', '$%cCodSch%$'


   cContent := strtran( cContent, "$%cAppId%$", _APP_ID_ )
   cContent := strtran( cContent, "$%cDiv%$",  cDiv )
   cContent := strtran( cContent, "$%cCodSch%$", cCodSch )

This is still better to have to manually concatenate tons of strings
that have ' and " inside.

It would be more elegant to avoid strtran and have:

function detail_info( oCgi )

   local cContent

   TEXT INTO cContent MARKERS "$%", "%$"

   <table class="infomnu_tb">
      <tr class="infomnu_tbr">
         <td class="info_btn" onclick="javascript:show_menu(
'$%cAppId%$', '$%cDiv%$', 'DTCLAN', 'false', 'false', '$%cCodSch%$'


with the result:

cContent := "   <table class="infomnu_tb"> .........
javascript:show_menu( '" + cAppId + "','" + cDiv + "', 'DTCLAN',
'false', 'false', '" + cCodSch + "');"> "
( it is just a sample it has wrong delimiters )

best regards,
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