On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 10:42 AM, Przemyslaw Czerpak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I do not understand what you want to reach and why you want to
> make it on PP level. In this example the contents of RT variables
> isn't known at compile time so it cannot be optimized during
> compilation and you will always new to modify the string at runtime.
> If you do not like STRTRAN() then you can create new RT function with
> different syntax which will be able to substitute more then one element

Sorry I was sure I wasn't clear enough.
As you know I'm using Harbour to create web/ajax apps.

What I'd like to get is a way to concatenate a string that comes from
a TEXT INTO with a var without having to break the TEX INTO in several
places or using strtran.

Clearly the var is known only at run-time so what I need form PP is to
make for me the job of closing the string constant with the right
delimiter add + cVarName +  and continue with the next part of the

if not I'd have to:

local cContent

TEXT INTO cContent

cContent += cTitle

TEXT INTO cContent

best regards,
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